The "Streaking with the Cool Kids Challenge" began as a way for Jen Davis (@pinkcupcakegirl) to get her followers on Instagram to commit to moving their bodies daily. Jen firmly believes that daily consistent movement is the cornerstone of a fit and healthy lifestyle. The first challenge started in 2013 as a dedicated minimum run/walk/jog one mile a day challenge for the whole month of June. With several hundred participants the first year making the commitment to do it, the “Streaking with the Cool Kids Challenge” was officially born.
Jen will be the first to admit, she did not expect it to grow into a world-wide life changing challenge it has now become. In 2020, the “Streaking with the Cool Kids Challenge” had 6,800 participants from 15 countries. With close to 3,000 “finishers” to the challenge this year, it has now become a “mission of movement” for all involved.
Once you commit to moving daily, there are so many other positive benefits that participants often realize out of the challenge. Many participants say that they have lost weight during the challenge, reconnected with family members, sparked a crave for fitness for themselves and inspiring other family members to start their own fitness journey seeing their progress, regained their mental focus for exercise, and developed a love for running again. Jen never ceases to be amazed and humbled by the endless messages of thanks and gratitude that she receives from participants sharing how their lives have changed for the better because of this challenge.
How to Get Started
Sign Up for our FREE Club Updates and receive the latest Race Announcements, Updates, Contests and Swag.
Sign Up for one of our Virtual Races by clicking here and complete the race by walking, running, or running on a treadmill.

The “Streaking with the COOL KIDS” community is incredible. We consistently hear that there is a feeling of support, love and encouragement from all of our members. Jen has made it a conscious goal to develop a community that encourages one another, lifts each other up, celebrates success and shares the experiences with as many people as possible. Jen has two rules for the community…no criticism and no drama. This is a safe place to partake in a challenge of commitment. It isn’t about getting in a minimum of one mile a day, it is about doing the mile consistently throughout the month. It takes at least 21 days to develop a habit and we want people to know what it feels like to make a mile a day a habit. If you decide to take on the challenge, you will realize that everyone is rooting for you, uplifting and encouraging you! You will realize that you are not alone and that people can do tremendous things when they come together for a common goal.